
[gnuplot] データファイルとコマンドファイルを用いて,2次元グラフをプロット




2.0000 100.0
0.8500 91.8
0.4250 75.4
0.2500 62.9
0.1060 45.2
0.0750 43.4
0.0493 39.0
0.0355 34.5
0.0229 29.0
0.0137 20.9
0.0098 16.3
0.0070 12.7
0.0036 8.2
0.0015 7.3

2.0000 100.0
0.8500 91.6
0.4250 75.1
0.2500 61.8
0.1060 44.2
0.0750 42.5
0.0498 37.4
0.0357 33.6
0.0232 27.1
0.0136 21.5
0.0098 16.8
0.0070 13.1
0.0035 10.3
0.0015 8.4

2.0000 100.0
0.8500 92.2
0.4250 75.1
0.2500 61.9
0.1060 44.3
0.0750 42.6
0.0510 38.7
0.0365 34.9
0.0235 29.3
0.0140 19.8
0.0100 16.0
0.0071 14.2
0.0036 10.4
0.0015 9.4

# Test for soil compaction using a rammer
#measuring points
# w rho_d
5.7 1.836
8.2 1.888
10.1 1.913
11.4 1.911
13.4 1.885
15 1.846
15.9 1.819
17.5 1.776

0.0 2.698
5.0 2.377
10.0 2.125
15.0 1.921
20.0 1.752
25.0 1.611
30.0 1.491
35.0 1.388
40.0 1.298
45.0 1.219
50.0 1.149
55.0 1.066
60.0 1.030
65.0 0.980
70.0 0.934
75.0 0.892
80.0 0.854
85.0 0.819
90.0 0.787
95.0 0.757
100.0 0.730
105.0 0.704
110.0 0.680
115.0 0.658
120.0 0.637
125.0 0.617
130.0 0.599
135.0 0.581
140.0 0.565
145.0 0.549
150.0 0.535
155.0 0.521
160.0 0.507
165.0 0.495
170.0 0.483
175.0 0.472
180.0 0.461
185.0 0.450
190.0 0.440
195.0 0.431
200.0 0.422


# Test for Particle Size Distribution of Soils
set logscale x 10
set xrange [0.001:10]
set tics font "Times New Roman,18"
set xtics 10
set yrange [0.0:100.0]
set ytics 10
set mytics 10
set xlabel font "Times New Roman,18"
set xlabel "{Grain Size (mm)}"
set ylabel font "Times New Roman,18"
set ylabel "{Percentage Passing (%)}"
set size square
set key font "Times New Roman,18"
set key right bottom
set key box
plot "./PSD.txt" using 1:2 with points pointtype 7 title"grain size accumulation curve",\
      "" smooth cspline with lines notitle

pause -1 "press [Enter] key or [OK] button to quit"

# Test for Particle Size Distribution of Soils
set xrange [5:20]
set tics font "Times New Roman,18"
set xtics 5
set mxtics 8
set yrange [1.7:2.0]
set ytics 0.1
set mytics 10
set xlabel font "Times New Roman,18"
set xlabel "{water content w(%)}"
set ylabel font "Times New Roman,18"
set ylabel "{dry dendensity {/Symbol r}_d (g/cm^{3})}"
set size square
set key font "Times New Roman,18"
set key right bottom
set key box
plot "./SC.txt" using 1:2 with points pointtype 7 title "dry density - water content curve",\
      "" smooth cspline with lines notitle
replot "./SC2.txt" using 1:2 with points pointtype 7 title "zero air voids curve",\
      "" smooth cspline with lines notitle

pause -1 "press [Enter] key or [OK] button to quit"


$ gnuplot

Version 5.0 patchlevel 1    last modified 2015-06-07 

Copyright (C) 1986-1993, 1998, 2004, 2007-2015
Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others

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immediate help:   type "help"  (plot window: hit 'h')

Terminal type set to 'aqua'
gnuplot> load 'PSD.gp'
press [Enter] key or [OK] button to quit
gnuplot> load 'SC.gp'
press [Enter] key or [OK] button to quit
gnuplot> q

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